Sunday, March 29, 2009

International Programme On Financial Markets


To equip the market professionals with a broad overview of the International Financial Markets, providing a rich blend of training in International Financial Markets. The training is conducted at leading international financial centers. It will help the participants in understanding the emerging opportunities for business growth, product development, technology, innovations and regulatory practices.


Through a mix of lectures, presentations and interactions.

Institutional network through various visits that the participants would attend during the course of the programme include:

* Functioning of Financial Markets
* Securities exchange commission/financial service authorities
* Stock exchanges, investment banks
* Commercial and development banks
* Product segments in stocks, derivatives, commodities and debt
* Consular offices/embassies of India to know expectations from domestic firms


Capital Market Intermediaries, Banks, Financial Institutions, Investment Bankers, Mutual Funds, Broking Houses, Corporates and other Financial Services


Four major financial centres in Asia: HONG KONG - SINGAPORE - MALAYSIA - BANGKOK


28 February to 13 March 2009 (12 Nights & 13 Days)


Rs. 3, 25,000.00 + 10.30% Service Tax
(Inclusive of return airfare in Economy class, Visa Cost, Hotel accommodation - single room basis, Indian dinners, local transport and visits to institutions abroad.)


Vispi Rusi Bhathena

Roy Aranha


Fax: 0091 22 22723250

New Deposit Based Memberships of BSE

Terms and Conditions:

Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. ( BSE) is admitting Deposit Based Memberships (Trading Memberships) on its "Cash Segment".. BSE invites applications from all over the country against a deposit of Rs. 100,00,000 (Rupees One hundred lakhs only). The successful applicants would also be subsequently eligible for F & O Trading Membership (applications to be made separately for the same).

Persons desirous to apply for Trading Membership of the "Cash Segment" of BSE may send their applications in writing in a sealed envelop marked "Offer for Deposit Based Membership" and addressed to the Managing Director & CEO, Bombay Stock Exchange Limited, 25th Floor, P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai 400 001.

The applicants must note the following terms and conditions:

1. The Trading Member has only trading rights and no ownership rights of BSE Ltd.

2. The applications should be complete in the prescribed formats and in all respects.

3. The specimen of the application form as well as the other material including the terms and conditions and salient features of the Trading Membership are available with the Publications Department on Ground Floor of BSE or can be downloaded from the BSE website. . The Rules, Bye-Laws & Regulations of BSE can also be downloaded from the web site .

4. The application form in the prescribed format, complete in all respects should be accompanied by a Demand Draft/Pay Order for Rs. 5 lakhs (Rupees Five lakhs only) drawn in favor of "Bombay Stock Exchange Limited" towards earnest money deposit on which no interest will be payable.

5. The earnest money deposit of Rs. 5 lakhs (Rupees Five lakhs only) will be refunded (without interest) to the unsuccessful applicants.

6. Applications can be made by individuals and corporates who are eligible to become a Trading Member of BSE in accordance with the Rules, Bye-Laws & Regulations of BSE and subject to such terms and conditions as decided by BSE from time to time.

7. The successful applicants whose offers are accepted by BSE will be required to pay the balance amount of the deposit within two months from the date of receipt of the letter of acceptance of offer of the person / corporate for Trading Membership of BSE .

8. BSE will be entitled, at its sole discretion, to forfeit the Earnest Money Deposit, if the successful applicants fail to pay the balance amount within the stipulated time. The Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 5 lakhs (Rupees Five lakhs only) is also liable to be forfeited by BSE , at its sole discretion, if the successful candidate fails to complete the necessary formalities to the satisfaction of BSE within the stipulated time.

9. The deposit of the Trading Members will be subject to a Lock - in period of three years. Any Trading Member desiring to withdraw his Trading Membership after such lock in period of three years or at any point thereafter will have to give a one-year notice to that effect to BSE.

10. In addition to the aforesaid amount of Rs.100 lakhs (interest-free deposit), the Trading Member has to pay the following amounts:

1. Base minimum Capital - Rs.10,00,000

2. Trade Guarantee Fund - Rs.10,00,000

3. Admission Fees (non-refundable) - Rs. 2,50,000/- + Service Tax (As applicable)

4. Broker Contingency Fund (non-refundable) - Rs. 2,50,000/- + Service Tax (As applicable)

5. Annual Subscription - 7000/- + Service tax (As applicable)
6. Initial Contribution towards TGF - 10000/- + Service Tax (As applicable)
7. Any other amount so required by BSE Ltd.

11. BSE will be entitled to accept the applications for Deposit Based Membership on such parameters and criteria as may be decided by BSE from time to time.

12. BSE reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever.

13. The decision of BSE will be final and binding in all respects.

14. Applicants will have to ensure that the Designated Directors of the applicant company are not whole time director or in full time employment in any other company.

For any further information/clarification, interested applicants are requested to contact the following officials in Business Development and Marketing Department of BSE:

1. Mayuresh Samant: 22721233/4 Ext. 8355

2. Manthan B. Desai: 22721233/4 Ext. 8890

Information on Deposit Based Membership is also available at following BSE Investor Service Centres :

1] Kolkata : 033-22130530
2] New Delhi : 011-41510481
3] Ahmedabad : 079-27540445
4] Rajkot : 0281-5595542
5] Chennai : 044-42163999
6] Cochin : 0484-2405275

BSE launches new Internet Trading Portal

BSE has launched new Internet Trading Portal -- BSE Webx with three products viz., Eazy, Classic and Premium. Members can provide any one or all of them to their clients for smooth trading through Internet.

1. BSEWebx Eazy

This trading product offers the following features
1. Investors can view Online quotes, market depth, indices, and company related announcements on scrips.
2. The Investors can place orders, track the status of orders placed and confirmations on trade execution and view their Net/Margin positions.

2. BSEWebx Classic

This is the high end product from the BSEWebx stable offers the following
1. Investors can create his own portfolio of scrips
2. Investors can view portfolio of scrips in the market watch online.
3. The Investors can place orders, track the status of orders placed and receive confirmations on trade execution and view their Net/Margin positions.

3. BSEWebx Premium

This is the advanced product from the BSEWebx system which includes the following features
1. Investors can create multiple portfolios of scrips for market watch.
2. Investors can view multiple market watches (upto - 3) at a time
3. Charting of Scrips i.e. intra-day/EOD/historical are available to Investors
4. The Investors can place orders, track the status of orders placed and receive confirmations on trade execution and view their Net/Margin positions.